Sunday, July 20, 2008


I.    Greetings: 


II.   Introduction:

            Note:   Our lesson tonight will continue to answer the question how God can truly reign in our hearts.  We are approaching the end of Jesus' public ministry, and it is interesting to see what issues He addresses.  Notice what He will say last....  Oddly enough, one of the last things He has to say, He says to me, the religious leader.


III.  Jesus' Assessment of Religious Scholars:   Mark 12:38-40.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 12:38-40.

            Q  Who are the Scribes?

               An = Religious scholars.  People who have a master's degree, or Ph.d in Religion (or possibly, Bible Study leaders).

            Q  What four things do they like in Mark 12:38-39?

               An = 1) Long robes:  In other words, distinguished clothing.  They usually wore white and stood out among their contemporaries.  Do we do this today?

               2) Greetings in the market place:  They enjoyed special attention.  In those days people rose when they passed by.  Only a merchant working his trade was exempt from standing when such a person passed by.

               3) Chief seats in Synagogue:  They sat facing the audience up in the front.  They were always given special seating.  Is that done today?

               4) Honor at Banquets:  Often they were given the best seats.  (Lane, p. 440) 

            Note:  One of the things young people often look at is the respect someone with degrees or a position has.  Often what drives someone into the teaching profession or ministry is the hope that it will be a short-cut to respectability.  However, respectability truly comes from being respectable.  Some people think that titles bring respect.  Think of the teachers and ministers you know that you do not respect!

            Q  What warning does Jesus give concerning these people in verse 40?

               An = Beware of educated religious people who desire honor but are financially greedy.  They will devour the money that should go to the needy and cover their greed with religious language (12:40) (Lane, p. 339).

            Q  What does Jesus predict for them?

            Q  Should those who study the Bible be preoccupied with God's glory instead of the praise of men, why?

            RQ  Does such abuse of religious authority happen today?

               An = Do not push this into a complaining time, but someone might genuinely need to vent or express some deep hurt they have about religious authorities.  Listen, but do not comment.

            Q  Did Jesus endear Himself to the authorities?  Did He pay for such an attack?

               An = Jesus paid dearly for such comments and attacks.  They killed Him.  It is easy to pop-off against authorities that will not hurt us.  It is easy to be a political critic here in America, but if we try that same thing in a third world country we and our family will experience something very different.

            Q  If the attack was to prove so costly, why is Jesus so harsh on these men?

               An = The truth needs to be said even though it costs us everything, even our career.  If someone does not stand up and tell the truth then all suffer.  Besides, Jesus was giving them a chance to repent.  Sometimes, the most loving thing one can do for a powerful individual is to confront them when they are wrong.


IV.  True Religion:   Mark 12:41-44.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 12:41-44.

            Q  How does this woman contrast with the scribes?

               An = She is primarily contrasted with the scribes in the area of money.  She gave at great cost to herself whereas the others gave only out of their excess. 

            Notice too, the humility with which she gave.  There was no fan fare, no one knew the extent and cost of her magnanimous gift, except Jesus.  But then again, Jesus is God, and someone very important knows what we truly give.

            Q  Does her action make you uncomfortable?  Why?

            Note:  What she put in was of the smallest possible amount at that time.  There was no smaller coin in those days. (Lane, p. 441) 

            A lot of us get irritated when someone sacrificially gives because we feel intimidated that we too should be such magnanimous givers.

            Note:  She gave two coins.  She could have kept one for herself.  This awes me.  I often give of my abundance, but she gave when she was in need.

            Q  What does her action illustrate for the disciples?

               An = The call of the gospel is a call for absolute surrender to God and total trust in Him.  That trust must take a financial dimension.

            Q Have you seen someone in your life time who was like her?

            Note:  Jesus ends His public teaching by contrasting the widow with the outward corruption (pride) of the present day leadership.  He contrasts humble service and sacrifice with ostentatious religious show (Matthew 6:1). 

            Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount with a teaching on leadership as well.  Jesus loves us and knows how influential leaders are on a population.  Therefore, He tries to show us what good leadership is and what type of leaders need to be avoided.


V.  Outward Religious Beauty Will Fade:   Mark 13:1-4.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 13:1-4.

            Q  What impressed the disciples?

            Note:  The stones of the great temple building.  This was one of the most impressive buildings in the ancient world.  Remember, the temple complex covered over thirty-five acres.  The stones the disciples were talking about were probably like the ones Josephus mentions, some of which were 40 feet by 12 feet by 18 feet.  They were so well quarried that when they were fit together you could not get a razor blade to fit between them.  The building was magnificent.

            Q  Does Jesus appreciate architecture?

               An = I do not think Jesus is against architecture, but His value system is a heavenly one.  We are often impressed with great buildings, churches, etc. built for this life but Jesus knows eternity.  He is the Eternal One, He lives in eternity and sees reality from a whole different perspective.  One hundred years from now most of the homes, buildings, stadiums, etc. we so much admire will be torn down or gone.  Jesus knows that.  What the woman did was from a heart of love, and her act would last for all eternity.

            RQ  Do we want to do things that will last forever?

            Note:  It is accessible to the very least of us.  That woman did not have any special talents, gifts, abilities, or position.  She just gave from a full heart!

            Q  Why does He say what He says in 13:2?

               An = Great cataclysmic events would need to happen for every stone of this magnificent structure to be toppled.  He is forecasting a massive upheaval in society or nature that would allow this sacred building to be totally destroyed.

            Q  Are the disciples concerned about Jesus' dire prediction?

               An = Yes!  See 13:3-4.  They are deeply concerned and therefore are quite interested in what such an event could be.  Next week we will discuss Jesus' answer to their question.

            Q  What will last longer?  The widows gift or the greatest temple ever built by man?  What is God more concerned with:  a building or an hidden, humble act of devotion?

            Q  Do you now of anyone who has given like this poor woman?

               An = Perhaps, it would help you to remember that nothing given to Him is ever forgotten or lost.  It is the fact that it was given to Him, not the impact it makes on the earthly plane.  Remember to Whom you are giving...the Eternal One with eternal perspective and Who sees things from a completely just standpoint.

            Perhaps, it would help to know that if we can give sacrificially, and know one understands, except God, how much it cost us, we might truly be drawing near to the reign of God.