Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lesson # 29 | MARK 10:35-45 | THE TRUE PLACE OF HONOR

I.    Greetings: 


II.   Introduction:  Trying To Be Close And Honest.

            Note:  Having friends is one of the greatest joys of life, but it can also be one of the most frustrating things as well.

            Q  Have you ever tried to communicate with a friend, and they have not listened though you remained good friends? 

            Frustrating isn't it?  Jesus faced this very same thing with his closest friends and companions;  His disciples.  He tried to unburden His very heart and help them understand, not only His coming grief at the cross, but the true nature of His mission.

            Note:  We are going to look at something truly incredible today.  It will astound you, but first let us review.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:32-34.

            Q  What is Jesus saying lies in His future?

               An = He predicts suffering and pain, but also triumph.  These three things are tied together in a true understanding of Jesus' ministry.  Jesus tries to let them know the truth of what lies ahead.  He also wants to be able to share His upcoming difficulty with them. 


III.  Hung-Up On Rank, Pride and Glory:    Mark 10:35-37.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:35-37.

            Q  Do they understand what Jesus is saying in 10:32-34?  Are they sensitive to His plan or His coming pain?

               An = No they completely ignore what Jesus is talking about.  They have their own agenda. 

            Q  What are they concerned about?

               An = They are concerned about their agenda of position and rank!  Of course today ministers never do this!  The Holy Apostles did though.  Jesus has unburdened His heart of the most important plan in history, and they are concerned as to who sits where!  Incredible, astounding, amazing! 

            Q  What is your opinion of these men?

            Q  What is Jesus doing in Mark 10:36?

               An = He asks them to talk.  He is asking them to tell the truth about their desires.

            Q  Does Jesus listen? 

               An = Yes He does.

            Q  Will He listen to us?

               An = Yes, He will.  Lets stop right now and tell God truthfully what we really want.  He knows anyway.  We should be concerned with the things of God, but we really are concerned with our own agenda.

            (Stop now and lead them in prayer), perhaps spend part of the time in silence and encourage people to truly, but privately, tell God what they really want.

            Note:  Often we are not clued into what Jesus is trying to say to us about genuine Christian truth.  The disciples still saw Jesus' ministry the way they wanted to:  an eschatological Lord who would restore the Davidic throne (Lane, 378).  The disciples believed the nation of Israel would become great in the world, and they would all become great lords or governors.  They saw Jesus as the means to their own advancement.

            Q  Did they really hear Jesus words about His coming death? 

               An = No, though in Mark 8-10 He has told them five times!

            Note:  Can God let us know what is on His heart?  Or are we like the disciples and too wrapped up in our own agendas?  Do we claim to be more spiritually advanced, but we are sadly not interested in Jesus' agenda, only some concern of our own?  We claim superior theology but are not really listening to our Lord.

            RQ Who cares about what the Lord cares about?


IV.  Jesus' Reality Check:  Mark 10:38-40.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:38-40.

            Q  How does Jesus respond to their request?

               An = He answers with a challenge to suffer.  The cup in the Old Testament is the "cup of judgment".  If cup means judgment, why was Jesus to meet judgment?  He was to bear our sins.  He was to drink the cup of judgment for our sins.

            Q  Was their suffering on the same level as His?

               An = No!

            Q  Why did they answer yes?

               An = Our pride often blinds us.  It is true they would suffer, but not for the salvation of the whole world. 

>>>> Then re-read Mark 10:40

            Q  What does that mean?

               An = Jesus submits to the Father's will, for example see Acts 1:7.

>>> Read Acts 1:7.  Preparation had been made and Jesus would submit.


V.  An Angry Response:   Mark 10:41

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:41.

            Q  What is the other disciples' reaction?  Why?

               An = They are angry!  Why the anger?  Well, it takes one to know one?  We often criticize in others what we see in ourselves.

            RQ  Are we so blinded that there is no hope for us?

            RQ  Will we ever get God's agenda?

            Q  Did the apostles ever get Jesus' agenda, did they ever change?

               An = >>>> Have someone read Acts 12:2  >>>> Have someone read Revelation 1:9

            Note:  Take hope, let Jesus keep working with you and let Him keep giving His critique, then we can progress.


VI.  The True Way Of Glory:  Mark 10:42-45

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:42-45.

            Q  What does Jesus say about "Gentile" or "non-believers" and their use of authority in Mark 10:42?

               An = Gentiles (which the Jews despised), lorded it "over them".

            Note:  Notice also that 43a says not "should not be" but it is not.  Real leaders, real authorities in the Kingdom of God are not thus.  Jesus is not talking about what should be, but what really is.  If we think our arrogance or pride in obtaining position or fame among Christians is leadership we are fooling ourselves.  Real authority comes from service.

            Q  What are the "how-to-be-great" instructions found in Mark 10: 43-44?

               An = To be great one must be a servant.  If one wants to be first one must be slave of all.

            Q  Practically what does that mean? 

               An = Let them answer this in their own words.

            Q  Can you give examples of this in your own experience with leadership you have seen?

               An = Let them give examples, only give one if they do not.

            Note:  Verse 45 is both the motivation for servant leadership and the example of Jesus for us to follow.  As an example, He was the greatest, smartest, most talented, most powerful, and most spiritually gifted man to live on earth.  He served, even to death.  The motivation stems from wanting to be like Him.

            Q  Practically what does not coming "to be served but to serve" mean?  Have you seen someone do this lately?

               An = Let them share examples.  Give them some suggestions on how to practically do this.

            Q  How does "give His life a ransom for many" practically apply to us? 

               An = How would one die for a family member, like a parent or brother or sister?  What part or aspect of our life would die?

            Note:  Most people struggle with low self-esteem and so attempt to gain by obtaining a position, but good self-esteem comes from serving others.  Jesus is not insecure, because He served and sacrificially served others.


VII.  Summary:  Procedure For Peace With Our Feelings Of Insecurity.

            1.  Tell Jesus what we really want (10:36).

            2.  Listen to the challenge to join Him (10:38-39).

            3.  Follow the instructions - be as Jesus, (in other words, be godly, be like Jesus because He was God) (Mark 10:43-44).

            4.  Take courage!  The disciples were so dense even though Jesus Christ was their teacher!  However, they eventually did understand what real authority meant. 


John ultimately understood, and later wrote a beautiful summary of what Jesus tried so hard to teach him.  >>>> Read John 3:16.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I.  Greetings:


II.  Introduction:            The rich young ruler in Mark 10:17-22 was challenged to give away all his money in order to follow Jesus.  He had much property and could not do it, so he walked away.

            Q  How many of you know people who do not follow Christ today because in their estimation the cost to them is too high?

               An = Ask them to raise their hands if they know someone like this. 

            Note:  At least these people are honest.  They have counted the cost and seen the price to be too high, at least they are not phony.  They walk away, instead of going to church and pretending to be what they know they cannot be.

            Note:  Remember, Jesus agrees, the cost is too high and impossible to pay for someone who is rich.


III.  Peter's Realization:   Mark 10:28-31.

   A.  Peter's Response:  Mark 10:28.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:23-27.

            Q  According to Jesus is it easy to enter the kingdom of God if you are rich?

               An = According to Jesus it is impossible unless God's helps you.

            Note:  Notice though how Peter will respond to Jesus' message.  Peter is ever the one who speaks what few of us would dare say.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:28.           

            Q  What is Peter claiming he has done?

               An = He is claiming that he has left all for Christ.  He has done everything the rich young ruler would not do.  Peter has said it is not impossible for him.  He has done it.  Peter thinks it was not something God had to do, but something he was able to do.

            Note:  >>>> You read Mark 10:21, especially emphasize the part "...and you will have treasure in heaven;  then come, follow me."  Notice the similarity between Jesus' command to "follow me" and Peter's claim to have to have left all to follow

            Peter seems to be pretty pleased with himself.  Many followers of Jesus Christ are.

   B.  Jesus' Response:  Mark 10:29-31.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:29-31.

            Note: Notice that Verse 29 is the condition for the results listed in verse 30.  

            Q  What are the conditions for blessing according to verse 29?

               An = The sacrifice of our home, family, and occupation.  Following Jesus is an expensive commitment.  Maybe belonging to a church is not such a deep commitment, truly following Jesus is.

            Q  What are the reasons for sacrifice according to the end of verse 29?

               An = Jesus is the reason and for the sake of the gospel:  "...for Me and the gospel".

            Q  Is sacrifice, in or of itself, valuable?

               An = No!  I know of many people who sacrifice for the sake of religious pride.  They do not do it for Jesus or the sake of the salvation of others through the gospel.  This becomes evident in their attitudes towards others. 

            Q  Do you know such people?

               An = It is very hard to be around such people at times.

            Q  What are the results or rewards of such sacrifice according to verse 30?

               An = After they have listed the rewards of verse 30, point out to them that such rewards come in both this age and the age to come.

            Q  What does 100 times mean?

               An = God takes away nothing from us without returning it in a new and glorious form.  Never pity someone truly committed to Christ, envy their courage, but do not pity them.

            Q  How are persecutions part of the reward?

               An = Have everyone turn to >>>> I Peter 4:14-16 and have someone read it.  Note also, much of our closest bonding with our new Christian family comes from persecution, (Lane, p. 372).

>>>> Have someone re-read Mark 10:31.

            Q  Why does Jesus add this verse?

               An = It is hard to evaluate sacrifice.  So Jesus gives a caution.  It is the caution of reversal.  Again, salvation should not bring pride, because pride is not freedom.  Pride is the absence of freedom.


IV.  Jesus' Reminder of His Own Sacrifice:  Mark 10:32-34.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:32.

            Note: To "go up" to Jerusalem, meant to go to Jerusalem.  In later Church History it became a code word for going up to die for Christ.

            Q  What is Jesus' physical position visa-vi the disciples in 10:32?

               An = Jesus is leading the way, or walking, out in front of them.  His body language tells of His resolve.

            Q  What is the disciples reaction?

               An = They are astonished, amazed and have fear.  Read parts of Oswald Chambers' My Utmost For His Highest, on March 15.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:33-34.

            Note: There are three predictions:  going up, what is done to Him, and what He does.  One thing can be drawn from this:  God has the last word, not man.

            Q  What is the emphasis of 10:34, what strikes you about how the Gentiles treat Jesus?

               An = What strikes me is the humiliation!  They will "arrest" Him who is all powerful, "condemn" Him who is totally innocent.  Then they will "mock" and "spit" on Him, who is all glory, who is the beginning and the origin of honor.  They will "flog" Him who did nothing but heal others, and "kill" Him who gave us life.

            But they do not have the last word.  The last word is God's.  Three days later He will rise!

            Q  Does it bother you that persecution is part of following Jesus?

               An = Stay true, and you will be able to say with Isaiah in Isaiah 50:4-6 that we were true and now we can sustain and strengthen others, and have intimate fellowship with our Lord.

>>>> Have someone read Isaiah 50:4-6.

            Note:  Just as in Jesus' teaching Isaiah also has a condition-result type of teaching here.  The condition is in 50:4-6, the willingness to suffer.  The result is in Isaiah 50:7-9.

>>>> Have someone read Isaiah 50:7-9.

            Note:  If we are willing to suffer, we will stand, we will not fail.             >>>> Hebrews 12:1-3.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Lesson # 27 | MARK 10:17-27 | BUYING OUR WAY TO HEAVEN

I.   Greetings:


II.  Introduction:

            We all know people who are good people and yet do not believe in Jesus Christ or sometimes even in God.  Many times, if we are honest, such people are very admirable or even more admirable than many we meet in church.  Therefore, a good question arises.

            Q  Is living a good life enough?

               An = Let them give their answers and do not comment, just note their responses.


III.  The Good Rich Man:   Mark 10:17-22.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:17-20.

            Q  Is this man sincere?

               An = See 10:17 he ran, he knelt, he used polite language.  However, like some here today, there might be a hole or hunger in him.

            Q  What is Jesus doing here in verse 18?

               An = He is focusing alone on God's goodness (Lane, 365).   Perhaps this man was focusing on his own goodness and so focused on Jesus' human goodness.

            Barclay says:  1) Jesus wanted the man to stop and think.  The man was eager and we should not do things on emotion only.  2) Jesus wanted the man to center on God, not human teachers or leaders.  We must always point to God in our own ministry. (Barclay, 252)

            Q  What is Jesus' answer to his question in Mark 10:19?

               An = Jesus quotes part of the Ten Commandments.

            Q  what do these five particular commandments have in common?

               An = All quotes from the Ten Commandments are civil laws, i.e. they are concerned with the human-to-human dimension of our lives.  The Ten Commandments have two major categories of commandments:  commandments 1-4, humans to God and commandments 5-10, humans to humans.  In others words, how to deal properly and loving with other human beings = civil law, and how do we deal properly and loving with the Lord God = sacral law.

            Q  Therefore according to the Old Testament, is being respectable with your fellow human beings enough?

               An = No it is not!  It is only part of the way we please God.  It is only part of the way to obtain eternal life.  Treating our fellow human beings correctly is necessary to please God, but it is not enough to fulfil the Ten Commandments.  Clearly, the Old Testament knew it was not enough.  Notice what Jesus does next.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:21-22.

            RQ  Why does Jesus say his lack deals with money? 

            Q  What is the key commandment of the first four commandments?  Or what is the first of the Ten Commandments?

               An = >>>> Have everyone turn to Exodus 20:3 and read it to them.  "You shall have no other gods before me."

            Q  What is this man's other god?

               An = Jesus thinks it is his money.

            Q  Is Heaven, heaven without God?

               An = >>>> Have everyone turn to Revelations 21:2-3 and 22-23 and then have someone read it.  Living a good life is not enough to get to heaven for one simple reason.  Heaven is where God is, if we do not love and honor Him, we would not really want to go there.              Note:  Those of us who want to just live a decent life will not get to heaven, if simply because God is there.  If we want to go to heaven, it will only be enjoyable to those who "love God with all their heart, soul and strength".

            Q  If we have another god that we become aware of, how do we really get to heaven? 

               An = Let them answer, then add by way of reading with them...  >>>> Have someone read Mark 10:15.

            Q  In Mark 10:21, there is a first step?  I believe it is in the first three verbs, what are they?  How do these first three verbs relate to gaining eternal life?

               An = The first three commands are:  go, sell, give.  We must get rid of the spiritual competition.  It must be gone.  Notice Jesus did not talk about spiritual attitudes or feelings, but spoke only of actions as the answer.  This is the first step to obtaining eternal life.

            Q  At the end of Mark 10:21, there is a second step.  I believe it is found in the second two verbs, what are they?

               An = The next two commands at the end of 10:21 are:  come and follow.  Notice that we cannot come near to the true God if we have another god.  If we are willing to divest ourselves of the other god there is an open invitation to come.  After we come, then we are to follow Him in His walk, His way.  Until some of you deal properly with your money, you cannot begin to take the second step!

            Q  What are other false gods that people have?  

               An = For some of us, it is our reputation, career, hope of a marriage, or whatever it is that we value above God.  Perhaps, some of us have other gods even though we are quite righteous in the world's eyes and even in the eyes of the church.  However, like the rich young ruler, we know there is something missing.

            Q  Does this young man give up his other god, according to verse 22?

            Q  Does this discourage you?  Do you think it was discouraging as a disciple that day to watch this episode?              

               An = It must have deeply affected both Jesus and the disciples because Jesus continues this discussion after the young man left.


IV.  Money Can Be A Block:  Mark 10:23-27.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:23-27.

            Q  According to Jesus, is it easy, if you are wealthy, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

               An = No, see Mark 10:24.

            Q  What is the response of the disciples?

               An = They are amazed, see Mark 10:24a and 26a.

            Q  Why are they amazed?  Are we amazed?

               An = Often we think the kids who come from bad homes or poor homes would be those most likely to reject the gospel.  Furthermore, the disciples had no doubt been influenced by the book of Deuteronomy or the book of Proverbs and saw wealth as a sign of God's blessing.  We too often see wealth or success as a sign of God's blessing, and we are right to do so.  God wants to bless us, but we often take such blessings and turn them against ourselves.  Perhaps, that is why so many church kids, from good homes are so spiritually dull.

            Note:  Jesus is going to address their amazement.  For blessings (wealth, skill, success, beauty, etc.) can become blocks to entering into the kingdom (or reign) of God.  He begins with a loaded code word.

            Q  In verse 24 what title of address does Jesus use to refer to the disciples?

               An = The title of address in Mark 10:24 is "children". 

            Q  What does this word have to do with the struggle against money as another god?

               An = Let them give their answers, if they miss the reference to verse 15, point it out, but do not answer this for them.  However, when they are done, point out that in Mark 10:21a, 23a and 27a.  All three have Jesus "looking".  Remember, eyes are the metaphors of perception.  Jesus sees and therefore perceives and understands what is deep within the hearts of human beings.  He knew what held back the young ruler, and He knows what holds us back today.  So, like a skilled surgeon, He goes to work.

>>>> Have someone re-read Mark 10:24-27.

            Note:  I know there are many interpretations of the metaphor of the camel in the eye of the needle.  Perhaps it would be best to take it literally.

            Q  If we took the metaphor literally what does it mean?

               An = Camels get through needles (which is impossible) easier than rich folks get into heaven (thus, it is seemingly impossible for the rich to go to heaven).           

            Q  Why do many try to see the camel metaphor differently than in a literal fashion?

               An = Perhaps, they want to keep control.  They do not want it to be impossible for the rich to be saved.  If they see the metaphor in a different light they can get away from the fact it is impossible for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God.

            Q  Are there more ways to be rich than just being rich in money?  Name some of them?

               An = Having a good home, good looks, good academic ability, being a good athlete, a good career, popularity, a good spiritual reputation, music ability, etc.

            Note:  Notice there are two verses about doing the impossible:  Mark 10:25 and 10:27.

            Q  What does 10:27 mean?

               An = With man such things are impossible, but with God such things are not impossible.

            Q  How do these two verses (10:25 and 27) relate to one another?

               An = There is an impossibility to ridding ourselves of other gods like money, because salvation is God's thing.  The more experienced in life we become we begin to realize we cannot do it on our own.  Besides, if we could do it ourselves it would not be good for our pride.                       

            Note:  In answer to the young man's question, on "how do we get eternal life", the final step is to "Come and follow Jesus Christ".  However, we must leave our false securities behind, and we will need help to do this, supernatural help. 

            We will need help in learning to love God above all the false securities we now enjoy.  It may even involve radical surgery!  The disciples were soon to enter their own operating room during the passion week.  Some of you in this room may enter into such surgery yourself or may even be in the process now....

Sunday, May 4, 2008


I.  Greetings: 


II.  Introduction:

            Note:  Today's lesson could be difficult but it is so important.  It is the Gospel's themselves that bring up the issue we will be discussing.  What is interesting is that Jesus has to be lured into this subject, but once engaged He shows Himself to again be the master teacher.

            Note:  Chapter 10 opens with Jesus back in open public ministry.  In the sections prior (9:30-50) Jesus had deliberately pulled away to spend time with the disciples because He wanted to teach them privately about His death.  He has spoken three times of His death in 8:31, 9:9, and 9:31, and in all three of these settings, it is only the disciples that hear such words.  Sometimes we need to pull our staff away and speak to them of the key and the tough issues involved in ministry.

            Now He is in open ministry again.  Again, the crowds are gathering, and again, He is teaching.


III.  Dealing With Divorce:  10:1-9

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:1-2.

            Q  What is the Pharisees' outward topic or subject?

               An = They say they want to know Jesus' attitude and position on the subject of divorce.

            Q  What is their tone or real intent?

               An = Our author states they asked their question because they wanted to test Him.

            Note: John the Baptist was killed in this region on the same issue.  Remember Herod Antipas and Herodias?  She had divorced in a crass manner and married Herod.  John the Baptist spoke up and called the action sinful.  He was killed for speaking up.  Perhaps, the Pharisees thought Herod would kill Jesus too if He had similar views of morality.  Jesus is being put in a tight spot here.  If you get into ministry, you will be in similar situations.

            Jesus will model for us what to do with politically tough issues that come up among religious people.

            Note:  One minor point that could be pointed out is that Jesus must have taught in such a manner as to have allowed questions from the crowd.  Many of us today will not allow such public challenges as our Lord did. 

            Q  As a listener, in your view, what are the advantages and disadvantages of such an approach?

            Q  For those of your who have taught publicly, what are the risks with such an approach?

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:3-9.

            Q  Is Jesus putting Moses down in verse 5?

               An = No, Jesus is not trying to contradict Moses, or to lessen Moses' or the Old Testament's authority.  Three things could noted here.  1)  Moses' provision was for the circumstances when divorce had taken place, it did not condone, sanction or encourage its practice.  2) Moses' provision was to provide a degree of protection for the woman.  She would be left more vulnerable without such a certificate.  3)  Jesus read Moses well and accurately.  He was not putting Moses down, but actually interpreting the true spirit of Moses' teaching here.

>>>> Have someone read Deuteronomy 24:1,5

            Q  Is Moses concerned with women's best interests?

               An = Yes he is.  If a woman is found to be indecent (and that is not defined) the marriage was not merely ended as in some societies but was given legal status as a divorced woman.  Thus she was given the certificate of divorce.

>>>> Re-read Mark 10:6-9.

            Q  Why does Jesus quote Genesis.  Is there an issue of time or precedence?

               An = Jesus ties marriage to the creative act of God (note verse 6 and 9).  To divorce is to repudiate how God created us:  "breaking of a seal which has been engraved by the hand of God".  (J. Murray in Lane, 356.)  We see that God created the two sexes, and that He designed for them to bond and become one.  When we divorce, we separate what He bound together.

>>>> Re-read Mark 10:9.

            Q  Who are we going against when we get divorced?

               An = We are going against God and His created order.  If we initiate divorce we are mocking the very nature of God's intentional creative act.  He meant us to remain one, we mock Him in divorce.

            Note:  Jesus' statements here are quite shocking and in today's society certainly not politically correct.  It was not politically correct then either!  Jesus was not making too many friends with His views.  Even His own disciples had trouble with this teaching, they want to question Him privately about the issue.


IV.  The Disciples Question Jesus' Views:  Mark 10:10-12.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:10-12.

            Q  Does Jesus address just men, or men and women?

               An = He addresses both sexes.

            Note:  Rabbinic Law (Lane, p. 357) defines adultery in two ways.  A man can commit adultery against another man by seducing that other man's wife.  A women could commit adultery against her husband by having relations with another man.  It is the man's honor that was at stake in both rabbinic situations. 

            However, Jesus adds something new here.  He says a man could commit adultery against his wife.  Jesus' statement in 10:11 elevate the woman to the same status as her husband.  Jesus' teaching elevates the position of women.  This higher status has traveled everywhere the Christian Gospel has gone in the world. 

            Of course, with status comes responsibility and so women who initiate divorce are committing adultery.

            Q  What about the issue of physical abuse?

               An = Some of you are no doubt wondering about the issue of abuse, or some rare extenuating circumstance.  However, remember most divorces in our society are divorces not motivated by an extreme case.  It is usually our personal happiness or inability to get along with someone else that dominates most divorce proceedings in this nation.  So what about abuse?  I have no answer from this text.

            Q  Are the disciples just as stunned as the Pharisees at the hardness of Jesus' teaching?

               An = In Matthew 19:10 when the disciples hear of Jesus views they wonder if it is better not to marry.  The disciples, even then, saw this as a difficult teaching.

            Note:  If you are not married tonight be careful how you choose a spouse.  It is a one time deal.  Whatever your parents have done, you are responsible to be obedient to Jesus' commandments and teachings.


V.  Openness and Humility:  Children With Jesus.  Mark 10:13-16

>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:13-16.

            Note:  This story on the preciousness of children follows on the heels of forbiddance of divorce (also in Matthew 19). 

            Q  Why would Mark put these two stories together?

               An = Divorce is hard on children.

            Q  What does Jesus' reaction in Mark 9:39 and Mark 10:14 have in common?

               An =  In Mark 9:39, Jesus says "Do not hinder them".  In Mark 10:14, the disciples again overran their authority (Lane, 359).  Perhaps, we have two examples of the "leaders" keeping certain people from Jesus and thus we have two examples of Jesus saying "cut it out".  We should not limit access to Jesus as Christian leaders.  If we do we will meet with the rebuke of God.   Give an example.

            Q  What is Jesus' emotional reaction in verse 14?

               An = He was indignant!  In a word, he was angry.

            Note:  Jesus is presented in the Gospel of Mark as an emotionally involved person.  See Mark 1:41,43; 3:5; 7:34; and 9:19.

            Q  In Mark 14b, how does Jesus justify His view that the children should have access to Himself?

               An = God's kingdom belongs to such as these. 

>>>> Have someone re-read Mark 10:15.

            Q  Why must we be like little children?

               An = It is not any quality children possess in themselves, but their humbleness, they have no claim on grace.  One can only enter when one realizes they are helpless, small, and without claim or merit.  (Lane, p. 361).

>>>> Have someone re-read Mark 10:16.

            Q  What three verbs are used to describe Jesus with children in verse 16?

               An = He "took them" in His arms, He "began blessing" them, and He "laid hands" upon them.

            Q  What does this say about how we should handle children.

            Q  Is it manly to be affectionate with little children?

               An = Some males (not all males) think it is not masculine to be openly affectionate with little children.  Remember Jesus was the man's man of all men.

            Q  As we go home tonight, what does this passage say about how Jesus will handle us?

               An = If we come to Him today as little children.  He will not despise us.  If we come with the realization we have no claim upon Him, He will put His arms around us, bless us, and affectionately lay hands on us.  This is how we can enter His kingdom, and how He will treat us.

            Note:  Perhaps, one way we can approach Him tonight with the proper humility and openness of a child is to submit to His views of divorce.

            If we refuse to accept His views openly and humbly on divorce, maybe we have yet to come to Him as little children.  Maybe we have yet to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Where Jesus' kingdom is, there His views, as King, are obeyed.