I. Greetings:
II. Introduction:
We all know people who are good people and yet do not believe in Jesus Christ or sometimes even in God. Many times, if we are honest, such people are very admirable or even more admirable than many we meet in church. Therefore, a good question arises.
Q Is living a good life enough?
An = Let them give their answers and do not comment, just note their responses.
III. The Good Rich Man: Mark 10:17-22.
>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:17-20.
Q Is this man sincere?
An = See 10:17 he ran, he knelt, he used polite language. However, like some here today, there might be a hole or hunger in him.
Q What is Jesus doing here in verse 18?
An = He is focusing alone on God's goodness (Lane, 365). Perhaps this man was focusing on his own goodness and so focused on Jesus' human goodness.
Barclay says: 1) Jesus wanted the man to stop and think. The man was eager and we should not do things on emotion only. 2) Jesus wanted the man to center on God, not human teachers or leaders. We must always point to God in our own ministry. (Barclay, 252)
Q What is Jesus' answer to his question in Mark 10:19?
An = Jesus quotes part of the Ten Commandments.
Q what do these five particular commandments have in common?
An = All quotes from the Ten Commandments are civil laws, i.e. they are concerned with the human-to-human dimension of our lives. The Ten Commandments have two major categories of commandments: commandments 1-4, humans to God and commandments 5-10, humans to humans. In others words, how to deal properly and loving with other human beings = civil law, and how do we deal properly and loving with the Lord God = sacral law.
Q Therefore according to the Old Testament, is being respectable with your fellow human beings enough?
An = No it is not! It is only part of the way we please God. It is only part of the way to obtain eternal life. Treating our fellow human beings correctly is necessary to please God, but it is not enough to fulfil the Ten Commandments. Clearly, the Old Testament knew it was not enough. Notice what Jesus does next.
>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:21-22.
RQ Why does Jesus say his lack deals with money?
Q What is the key commandment of the first four commandments? Or what is the first of the Ten Commandments?
An = >>>> Have everyone turn to Exodus 20:3 and read it to them. "You shall have no other gods before me."
Q What is this man's other god?
An = Jesus thinks it is his money.
Q Is Heaven, heaven without God?
An = >>>> Have everyone turn to Revelations 21:2-3 and 22-23 and then have someone read it. Living a good life is not enough to get to heaven for one simple reason. Heaven is where God is, if we do not love and honor Him, we would not really want to go there. Note: Those of us who want to just live a decent life will not get to heaven, if simply because God is there. If we want to go to heaven, it will only be enjoyable to those who "love God with all their heart, soul and strength".
Q If we have another god that we become aware of, how do we really get to heaven?
An = Let them answer, then add by way of reading with them... >>>> Have someone read Mark 10:15.
Q In Mark 10:21, there is a first step? I believe it is in the first three verbs, what are they? How do these first three verbs relate to gaining eternal life?
An = The first three commands are: go, sell, give. We must get rid of the spiritual competition. It must be gone. Notice Jesus did not talk about spiritual attitudes or feelings, but spoke only of actions as the answer. This is the first step to obtaining eternal life.
Q At the end of Mark 10:21, there is a second step. I believe it is found in the second two verbs, what are they?
An = The next two commands at the end of 10:21 are: come and follow. Notice that we cannot come near to the true God if we have another god. If we are willing to divest ourselves of the other god there is an open invitation to come. After we come, then we are to follow Him in His walk, His way. Until some of you deal properly with your money, you cannot begin to take the second step!
Q What are other false gods that people have?
An = For some of us, it is our reputation, career, hope of a marriage, or whatever it is that we value above God. Perhaps, some of us have other gods even though we are quite righteous in the world's eyes and even in the eyes of the church. However, like the rich young ruler, we know there is something missing.
Q Does this young man give up his other god, according to verse 22?
Q Does this discourage you? Do you think it was discouraging as a disciple that day to watch this episode?
An = It must have deeply affected both Jesus and the disciples because Jesus continues this discussion after the young man left.
IV. Money Can Be A Block: Mark 10:23-27.
>>>> Have someone read Mark 10:23-27.
Q According to Jesus, is it easy, if you are wealthy, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
An = No, see Mark 10:24.
Q What is the response of the disciples?
An = They are amazed, see Mark 10:24a and 26a.
Q Why are they amazed? Are we amazed?
An = Often we think the kids who come from bad homes or poor homes would be those most likely to reject the gospel. Furthermore, the disciples had no doubt been influenced by the book of Deuteronomy or the book of Proverbs and saw wealth as a sign of God's blessing. We too often see wealth or success as a sign of God's blessing, and we are right to do so. God wants to bless us, but we often take such blessings and turn them against ourselves. Perhaps, that is why so many church kids, from good homes are so spiritually dull.
Note: Jesus is going to address their amazement. For blessings (wealth, skill, success, beauty, etc.) can become blocks to entering into the kingdom (or reign) of God. He begins with a loaded code word.
Q In verse 24 what title of address does Jesus use to refer to the disciples?
An = The title of address in Mark 10:24 is "children".
Q What does this word have to do with the struggle against money as another god?
An = Let them give their answers, if they miss the reference to verse 15, point it out, but do not answer this for them. However, when they are done, point out that in Mark 10:21a, 23a and 27a. All three have Jesus "looking". Remember, eyes are the metaphors of perception. Jesus sees and therefore perceives and understands what is deep within the hearts of human beings. He knew what held back the young ruler, and He knows what holds us back today. So, like a skilled surgeon, He goes to work.
>>>> Have someone re-read Mark 10:24-27.
Note: I know there are many interpretations of the metaphor of the camel in the eye of the needle. Perhaps it would be best to take it literally.
Q If we took the metaphor literally what does it mean?
An = Camels get through needles (which is impossible) easier than rich folks get into heaven (thus, it is seemingly impossible for the rich to go to heaven).
Q Why do many try to see the camel metaphor differently than in a literal fashion?
An = Perhaps, they want to keep control. They do not want it to be impossible for the rich to be saved. If they see the metaphor in a different light they can get away from the fact it is impossible for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God.
Q Are there more ways to be rich than just being rich in money? Name some of them?
An = Having a good home, good looks, good academic ability, being a good athlete, a good career, popularity, a good spiritual reputation, music ability, etc.
Note: Notice there are two verses about doing the impossible: Mark 10:25 and 10:27.
Q What does 10:27 mean?
An = With man such things are impossible, but with God such things are not impossible.
Q How do these two verses (10:25 and 27) relate to one another?
An = There is an impossibility to ridding ourselves of other gods like money, because salvation is God's thing. The more experienced in life we become we begin to realize we cannot do it on our own. Besides, if we could do it ourselves it would not be good for our pride.
Note: In answer to the young man's question, on "how do we get eternal life", the final step is to "Come and follow Jesus Christ". However, we must leave our false securities behind, and we will need help to do this, supernatural help.
We will need help in learning to love God above all the false securities we now enjoy. It may even involve radical surgery! The disciples were soon to enter their own operating room during the passion week. Some of you in this room may enter into such surgery yourself or may even be in the process now....
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