I. Greetings:
II. Introduction:
Note: This lesson will center on key words today so carefully watch for them. Hopefully it will help us see what Jesus was saying as clearly as the early church, who were steeped in the Old Testament and its metaphors.
Note: Key Phrases for Understanding Mark 13 (Matthew 24 too).
A. "that day" = in the Old Testament this phrase refers to the final day of judgment:
B. "these things" = the immediate events that are concerned with Mark 13:4 (the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple). >>>> Have someone read Mark 13:4.
Note: Mark 13:24-27 = "that" or "those days" = End time judgment
Mark 13:28-31 = "these things" = destruction of Jerusalem in 68 AD.
Mark 13:31-37 = "that day" = End time judgment
III. The Coming of the Son of Man: Mark 13: 24-27.
>>>> Have someone read Mark 13:24-27
Q When will this coming take place?
An = After the tribulation spoken of in 13:14-20. Christ will come but only after a time of trial and difficulty. This is often true whenever God comes. He came to Israel in Egypt after they had been slaves for many years. Those of you who really know the Lord, think back on some of the times He has come close to you. Many times, there is something about difficulties, hardships and trials that help us be more receptive and open to God breaking in on us. I said sometimes though, not always. But when Christ comes at the end of time, it will be preceded by time a time of tribulation.
Q What is being described in 13:24-25?
An = Convulsions in the heavens: the "universe is united with man in his destiny" so as human fortunes were to be radically affected they "spoke freely of an upheaval in the heavens themselves" (Lane, p. 475).
>>>> Have someone read Isaiah 13:10-13.
Q How will the Son of Man come?
An = In the clouds with power and glory.
>>>> Have three different people read Nahum 1:3, Psalm 97:2-6, Daniel 7:13-14.
Note: When Jesus started using language like this in Mark 13, Luke 21, or Matthew 24 you can clearly see what the early church was understanding. It was an exalted and powerful Jesus.
Q How does this view of Jesus differ from the view presented in the Christmas story?
An = One speaks of a baby, born poor, lowly and humble. A baby is sweet, approachable and non-threatening. Mark 13 speaks of a mighty warrior coming with earth crushing, heaven disturbing power. Jesus will come again, but it will not be in the same manner as the first coming. In the first coming He came as a baby and died as a Lamb. He will return as a warrior and roar as a Lion.
Note: God will approach us gently at first but if we do not respond we will meet His wrath! We may not like to hear that, but it is true non-the-less.
Note: Jesus' historical life has always been one of humility, one of veiled power. His Second Coming will be in the clouds of glory and be open power.
Q How does Jesus' coming differ from the comings described in Mark 13:21?
An = Verse 21 describes local manifestations versus world wide unveiling in the clouds with power. If someone says they are the Messiah tell them: "Fine, when you spilt the sky, then I will believe! Until till then don't bother me!"
Note: To gather the elect in 13:27 is a classic Old Testament theme:
>>>> Have someone read Isaiah 43:6-7.
IV. Near Fulfillment = Verification: Mark 13:28-31.
>>>> Have someone read Mark 13:28-31.
Q What is the main point stressed in the fig-tree parable?
An = Figs speak of a coming harvest. In the Old Testament harvest was a metaphor for judgment: >>>> Have someone read Amos 8:1-2.
Note: Huge fig trees (20-30 feet tall) were on the Mount of Olives. It was early Spring when Jesus was talking, so they saw fig trees all around them putting forth leaves, Summer was coming. As they looked across the Valley they could see the Temple.
Note: Mark 13:28-31 refers to the Fall of Jerusalem. It was to happen in their generation. It was roughly 27 AD when Jesus was speaking and the Fall of the City of Jerusalem was in 68 AD. That generation would see the most magnificent building they had ever known crumble (Mark 13:2).
Note: >>>> Have someone read Isaiah 40:7-8. God's Word never fails, and Jesus' Word is God's Word. >>>> Re-read Mark 13:31. Immediate proof of Jesus' Word was the Fall of Jerusalem, thus it was logical to take serious what Jesus said about the more far off future in Mark 13:32-37.
V. Vigilance Over Speculation: Mark 13:32-37.
>>>> Have someone read Mark 13:32-37.
Q What does Jesus tell us here, to speculate or to be vigilant?
Note: From history we know the date of the Fall of Jerusalem, but we do not know the date of the Second Coming of Jesus. It has not happened yet! In verse 13:30 and 13:32 we have two distinct dates spoken about. The one, the Fall of Jerusalem in 68 A.D., we can know. The other, the Second Coming, we are clearly told we can not hope to gain knowledge of the date by speculating about it.
Note: Many today want to speculate about the exact date instead of listening to what Jesus says. We want an exact date so we can be in control. Jesus says just to be ready. It stands to reason that if we put Jesus in control of our lives we will be ready.
Q How are we to be vigilant or ready?
An = Each of us is to do our duty. See 13:34-37. Chrysostom reminds us, (p. 460)
"There is strife on earth ... but a crown in heaven
punishment by men ... but honor by God
a race for two days ... but reward for endless ages
struggle with our corruptible bodies ... but we will inherit incorruptible ones."
Note: Do not sell out your souls for a few short years of seeming gain in this life. Jesus is coming again to the earth and He will come in power and judgment. He may come for you personally before the world ends, but either way you will face the judgment. It is the fool that goes for the short term gain and loses the long term gain.
>>> Give an example.
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